Miniatures being fabricated (In the works)

This is a 1/2 scale Ruger style 2mm rimfire Automatic, that I have been working on for a while. I am finding that the older I get, the harder it is to manipulate the very small parts, and to get motivated to make the next part. the slot on the side of the receiver is for the "loaded chamber indicator". present on the Model 3's

this is a view of the right side with the spring-operated bolt open. The mini is approx. 6" long and 3" high. the barrel, receiver & bolt are stainless steel. Harder than I perceived to work with. machining was difficult. I wasn't up to par on working with this material.

This shows the parts so far. In various stages of completion. with the top side of the bolt showing the the bolt closing spring.

This picture shows the underside of the receiver and bolt.
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