More miniatures I have made over the years

A brass Naval salute canon, breach loading, for 45 cal. blank cartridges, with leaver locking for the bolt.  2nd picture showing breach bolt apart from barrel with striker firing pin contained in the bolt section, all brass barrel and oak carriage.   Elevation adjustment wheel on far side. This canon is one that I designed influenced by mid 1800s canons.  Made from a solid piece of round brass 2" in diameter X 12" long.   I drew plans in Autocad, including the carriage.  The chamber was made only to accept 45 long colt brass blank cartridges, "not with the bullet installed". (sold)

elevation adjustment side of canon.   action lever in the locked position.

This view of open breach showing bolt with firing pin striker in the cocked position.  also showing the locking lever in the unlocked position.

A 2mm pinfire tip down barrel. Highland style pistol Made of brass and steel.  I designed and made this one furnishing  drawings for customers to make one for themselves.

(This one still in my collection.)

A Winchester bolt action 22 model 69A .  made from drawings I made in Autocad of an original 69A dissembled parts.  I had one dating from when I was a teenager back in the 60's.   This is a 1/3" scale The stock is walnut the barrel and action are steel and operates the same as the full size one.  there is a 5 shot magazine that inserts just infront of the trigger guard, you can see the magazine catch in the last picture on the side of the stock.    (still in my collection)

The magazine on the left there is a penny next to it for scale.

A 2mm rimfire single shot bolt action pistol I designed and made from my drawings in Autocad .  (Still in my collection)

pistol with bolt open.  approx.  4.5" long.  The firing pin is manually cocked on the back of the bolt. the grips are made of Delrin.

Positioned view from the top with bolt open.  This is my own design.  the grips are made of Delren. The grip screw is 0-80 thread.

This is a 1/2 scale J. Stevens tool Co. tip up 22   in  1mm .   I made this from drawings I made in Autocad from measurements taken from a full size pistol I had at the time.

(It is still in my collection)

this scale model is 3" long features rose wood grips and nickel plating on brass with a steel barrel and hammer. note the ejected shell protruding from the back chamber.  (too small to shoot.)